MC1 - Quantum plasmonics

Nuno Peres (1), Mikhail Vasilevskiy (1), Yuliy Bludov (1), José Carlos Gomes (1)
(1) University of Minho
Keywords: Quantum Plasmonics, Quantum Hydrodynamics, Polaritons
Quantum plasmonics is a new emerging field at the interface between condensed matter physics and optics. It deals with light-matter interaction at the nanoscale. When light interacts with small systems, such as nanoparticles, the classical description solely based on Maxwell's equations do not suffice to explain the experimental data. In these conditions, quantum effects are key for a deep understanding of the corresponding phenomenology. In this minicolloqium, leading experts in the field we address will unveil different aspects of quantum plasmonics, both in metallic systems and in 2D materials.MC2 - Emergent ferroelectrics

Suzanne Lancaster (1), José Silva (2), Florencio Sanchez (3), Niklas Wolff (4)
(1) NaMLab, Germany, (2) University of Minho, (3) ICMAB, (4) Kiel University
Keywords: Ferroelectricity, nanoelectronics, materials engineering
Ferroelectricity, or the phenomenon of spontaneous and reversable polarization in certain materials, has gained strong interest in the fields of non-volatile memory and hardware for brain-inspired computing architectures. The material requirements for these applications include scalability, CMOS-compatibility and low switching energy, and recently several classes of suitable materials have been discovered. These Emergent Ferroelectrics may be based on fluorite-type thin films (e.g. HfO2), wurtzite-type semiconductors (e.g. AlScN) or 2D-materials (e.g. α-In2Se3). These materials show a wealth of interesting chemical and physical behaviour relating to their switching dynamics/pathways, phase transitions, temperature dependence and scaling effects. This mini-colloquium seeks to serve as a platform for presentations of current research within the field of condensed matter physics concerning addressed issues. The mini-colloquium aims to facilitate dialogue on both new and old topics, such as recent developments in theory and simulation, synthesis of the materials, as well as the characterization of novel ferroelectrics.MC3 - Nanomaterials and polymer composites: tailor-made dielectric properties for a new generation of electronic components

Antonio J. Paleo (1), Mohamed E. Achour (2), Amina Tachafine (3), Ratiba Benzerga (4)
(1) 2C2T University of Minho, (2) Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, (3) University of Calais, (4) University of Rennes
Keywords: nanomaterials, polymer composites, dielectric properties
The success of (nano)materials and polymer composites lies in their ability to be tailored to each specific application. For the latter, with the right choice of the polymer and (nano)material, it is possible to obtain new electrical, thermal and mechanical properties different from those of pure polymers. Among all their properties, research into their dielectric properties is essential for their successful application in a wide range of applications, including capacitors, sensors, insulation cables and transmission lines, connectors, printed circuits, multichip modules, antennas, antistatic protection and encapsulation of electronic components, etc. Therefore, this Mini-colloquium aims to review the current state on the dielectric properties of nanomaterials and polymer composites, with the latest findings and their applications, as well as possible directions for future work. Specifically, their design, synthesis and sustainable development will be addressed, without forgetting their modified structural, mechanical and thermal properties, with the aim of generating multifunctional materials. The symposium will also highlight modelling and process optimisation techniques used to produce these innovative materials. The ultimate goal will be to foster the exchange of scientific and technical information between academic and industrial speakers. This exchange will illustrate the advantageous potential of nanomaterials and polymer composites and offer promising concepts for the development of new generation of electronic components.MC4 - Nano-electro-opto-mechanical systems

Gianluca Rastelli (1), Eva Weig (2), Clivia Sotomayor (3)
(1) CNR - INO, (2) Technische Universitat Munchen, (3) INL, Braga
Keywords: Nanomechanics, Electromechanical systems, Optomechanical systems
Nanomechanics has proved to be a lively field that branched out in several distinct directions, thanks to high mechanical quality factors and control of eigenfrequencies, nonlinearities and intermodal coupling. On the one hand, nanomechanical devices are tailored to detect mass, nuclear spins and temperature at the nanoscale. They constitute model systems for exploring generic features of fluctuations in a driven system far from thermal equilibrium in a quantitative fashion. On the other hand, high-quality mechanical resonators are employed in several hybrid quantum systems, ranging from electromechanical and optomechanical to quantum acoustic systems. Upon proper engineering, hybrid nanomechanical systems represent an integrable platform operating at room temperature and in the GHz regime. They may also transduce signal between optical and microwave frequencies forming a promising resource for quantum information and communication technology. This mini-colloquium will serve to bring together the international research community engaged in fundamental research on micro-, nano- electromechanical and optomechanical systems as well as other hybrid devices coupled to phononic nanoscale systems. It aims at gathering leading experts and young researchers on highly topical activities in this field, spanning from fundamental physics over emergent quantum phenomena to technological applications, and including, among others: dissipation, quality factor and noise-related effects; nonlinear dynamics, incl. nonlinear dissipation and nonlinear mode coupling; thermal and thermoelectrical effects in nanoresonators; cavity-induced backaction in electro- or optomechanical systems; hybrid coupling architectures, e.g. to electronic, magnonic, or excitonic excitations; quantum sensing and transduction; quantum networks and interfaces.MC5 - Magnetism with societal impact

Carlos Amorim (1), Diana Leitão (2), João Belo (3)
(1) i3N & Physics Department, University of Aveiro, (2) Eindhoven Technical University, (3) IFIMUP, University of Porto
Keywords: Magnetism, Energy, Health
Magnetism plays a pivotal role in addressing modern societal challenges. From powering renewable energy sources like wind turbines to enable medical advancements in MRI technology, magnetism drives innovation. It facilitates sustainable transportation through electric motors and contributes to data storage in electronic devices. Hence, harnessing magnetic principles is key to navigate through today's challenges, fostering technological progress, and building a more sustainable and interconnected world. From bulk to the nanoscale, there is a plethora of different physical mechanisms that play a key role on materials magnetic properties. A striking example is the emergence of superparamagnetic behavior at the nanoscale in materials whose bulk behavior is ferromagnetic, which prompts remarkable applications in cancer theragnostics while simultaneously posing limitations for magnetic data storage. More recently, the discover of ferromagnetic ordering in pure 2D materials “defying the Mermin-Wagner theorem“ or the potentialities of molecular magnetism have been attracting increasing attention. At a bulk scale, maximizing the energy storage of permanent magnet with low/no critical raw materials is one of the decisive challenges for our century with dramatic influence on the pace of the green and sustainable energy transition. In addition, harvesting the magnetic phase transitions for heat pumping or energy harvesting holds great potential and promises “such as that of increasing energy efficiency in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) technologies. Therefore, this mini-colloquium, promoted by Portuguese Magnetism Association (NPM), aims to be a forum to unveil novel results/models/concepts about the broad topic of Magnetism for applications with societal impact, but not limited to those mentioned above. Its scope is open to all participants working on related fields, with particular focus given to the work developed in Portugal.MC6 - Dissipative quantum many body dynamics

Pedro Ribeiro (1), Sergiy Denysov (2), Masud Haque (3)
(1) IST, Universidade de Lisboa, (2) OsloMet, (3) TU Dresden
Keywords: Dissipation, Open Quantum Systems, Quantum Circuits
Understanding the dissipative quantum dynamics that emerge from the interplay between quantum systems and their surroundings is essential to determining the properties of materials, engineered many-body systems, and quantum processors. In recent years, this field has witnessed rapid development leveraged by the use of tools such as random matrix theory, and the exploration of new setups such as quantum circuits and of novel dynamical regimes such as continuously monitored many-body systems. This mini-colloquium on Dissipative Quantum Many Body Dynamics, shall serve as a platform for leading researchers to discuss the latest advancements, provide newcomers with a comprehensive overview, and foster interdisciplinary discussions. Topics to be covered include environment-induced instabilities towards novel phases of matter, non-equilibrium phases and phase transitions, and monitored and dissipative quantum circuit dynamics.MC7 - Supported metal nano-particles and alloys for catalytic applications

Letizia Savio (1), Sergio Paolo Tosoni (2), José R. B. Gomes (3)
(1) Institute of Materials for Electronics and Magnetism, (2) University of Milan-Bicocca, (3) CICECO, University of Aveiro
Keywords: Supported, ultra-small nanoclusters, Interface properties, Chemical reaction mechanisms
The relevance of catalysis is continuously increasing for improving both the yield and sustainability of many industrial chemical processes and for facing important environmental issues such as the capture and reuse of greenhouse gases or the green conversion of waste products. The prototype of a heterogeneous catalyst is a metal particle of a few hundreds/thousands atoms dispersed on a carbonaceous or oxidic support. In contrast to bulk metals, nano-particles (NP) exhibit peculiar electronic and structural features affecting their reactivity. One of the most striking and well known examples is the case of gold, inert in bulk form and very reactive as NPs. Moreover, in small particles a large share of the atoms lies at the interface with the support and a strong metal-support interaction may remarkably affect their stability and chemical properties. Therefore, the challenge for the future goes in the direction of a further size-reduction of the active supported NPs and of the correlation between their structural/compositional properties and their reactivity. However, a full understanding of these complex systems requires that applicative studies in catalysis are complemented by more fundamental ones, based on model systems of reduced complexity and aimed at unraveling the structural details at the base of the activity and selectivity of the catalyst. This mini-colloquium will be characterized by a strong interdisciplinarity since it brings together experts with physical, chemical and material science background, facing the topic from both the experimental and computational point of view.MC8 - Collective and nonlinear phenomena in confined quantum systems

Serghei Klimin (1), Jacques Tempere (1), Luca Salasnich (2), Vladimir Konotop (3)
(1) TQC, Universiteit Antwerpen, (2) University of Padova, (3) University of Lisbon
Keywords: Confined quantum system, Collective excitations, Nonlinear phenomena
The minicolloquium focuses on the study of collective and nonlinear phenomena in confined quantum systems. The topics that will be discussed include quantum gases, particularly ultracold atoms, with a special emphasis on collective excitations, solitons, and vortices. The colloquium will bring together both theorists and experimentalists in condensed matter physics. Quantum gases are a fascinating area of research, and ultracold atoms have been at the forefront of this field for several years. For example, the observation of Bose-Einstein condensation in ultracold atomic gases has opened up new avenues for research in quantum mechanics. The study of collective response, both linear and nonlinear, in these systems has led to a lot of interesting and important discoveries. In addition to the aforesaid topics, we will also explore other areas of research that are related to confined quantum systems. These may include, but are not limited to, quantum computing, quantum information theory, and quantum optics. We hope that this minicolloquium will provide a platform for researchers to share their latest findings and ideas, and to foster new collaborations. We look forward to welcoming both theorists and experimentalists in condensed matter physics to this exciting event. This program is not intended to be exhaustive, and we encourage participants to highlight their investigations beyond this list of topics, if they find it promising.MC9 - Machine learning in soft condensed matter

Cristóvão Dias (1), Giovanni Volpe (2)
(1) Universidade de Lisboa, (2) University of Gothenburg
Keywords: Materials design, Experimental data analysis, Enhanced simulations
Machine learning has profoundly reshaped the landscape of soft condensed matter research, leading to a paradigm shift in the understanding and manipulation of material properties at the micro- and nano-scales. For instance, colloidal self-assembly, marked by a diverse sizes, shapes, and chemical composition of the building blocks, demands a guided approach in experimental synthesis. Simulation methods, including crystal structure prediction and phase diagram calculations have been pivotal in deciphering self-assembly behaviors, but usually require costly simulations for each specific combination of model parameters. Machine learning techniques, allow to handle vast datasets within materials science, offering scalable approaches for trend extraction, direct and inverse materials design. The versatility of machine learning techniques is evident in their applications to soft and biological materials, ranging from the inverse design of self-assembling materials to the nonlinear learning of protein folding landscapes and high-throughput antimicrobial peptide design. Moreover, machine learning has found successful applications in the realm of active-matter research, where it has been critical in deciphering the complexity of biological systems. From establishing connections between genetic code and emergent behaviors to mapping physical cues to animal behaviors. The impact of machine learning extends also to microscopy, transforming it from a means of visual observation to a quantitative tool with enhanced resolution and throughput. Artificial intelligence, deep neural networks, and machine learning collectively contribute to improved image quality, automated detection, segmentation, classification, and tracking of microscopic objects. This convergence of machine learning and microscopy opens new frontiers in scientific inquiry, providing researchers with powerful tools for gaining scientific knowledge through more efficient and automated analysis of microscopy image data. The integration of machine learning into soft condensed matter research marks a revolutionary era, where computational tools not only guide experimental efforts and handle extensive datasets but also contribute to a deeper understanding of complex systems and enhance the capabilities of traditional scientific methods. The fast development of the field is a challenge to the community. To enhance the transformative impact of machine learning on soft condensed matter research, this colloquium is set to bring together specialists in the field. It will serve as a platform for experts to exchange ideas, discuss the latest state-of-the-art results, and explore future perspectives at the intersection of machine learning and soft matter, and for newcomers to have an quick and efficient introduction to the field. By fostering interdisciplinary discussions and collaboration, the colloquium aims to propel innovative approaches in the design, prediction, and manipulation of soft materials at the microscopic and nanoscale.MC10 - Europe-Asia pacific collaboration on condensed matter physics in quantum beam facilities

Hiroyuki Nojiri (1), Joaquim Agostinho Moreira (2), José Maria de Teresa (3)
(1) Tohoku University, (2) IFIMUP, University of Porto, (3) Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón
Keywords: Europe-Asia-Pacific International Collaboration, Quantum Beam Facilities, Application of Quantum Beam to Condensed Matter Physics
The quantum beam facilities such as synchrotron, neutron, XFEL, muon, electrons are widely used in condensed matter physics. The new facilities, new techniques and new applications are contributing for the rapid developing of the condensed matter physics. The international collaboration is the key for such development. This Minicolloquim is aiming at the sharing of the current landscape of the quantum beam facilities and the applications for condensed matter physics in Europe-Asia Pacific regions. It also picks up the existing international collaboration and stimulates the future collaborations.MC11 - Triboelectric and piezoelectric nanogenerators: unleashing energy harvesting at the nanoscale

João Ventura (1), Bernd Wicklein (2), Cátia Rodrigues (1)
(1) IFIMUP, University of Porto, (2) CSIC
Keywords: Nanogenerator, Energy Harvesting, Triboelectrics
The mini-colloquium on "Triboelectric and Piezoelectric Nanogenerators" aims to explore the cutting-edge advancements in the field of energy harvesting at the nanoscale. With the ever-growing demand for sustainable and self-powered technologies, triboelectric and piezoelectric nanogenerators have emerged as promising solutions capable of converting mechanical energy into electrical power. This mini-colloquium is designed for researchers, engineers, and students interested in the interdisciplinary nature of condensed matter physics, materials science, and energy harvesting technologies. This mini-colloquium will provide a comprehensive overview of recent developments in triboelectric and piezoelectric nanogenerators, covering fundamental principles, materials innovations, and diverse applications. Topics to be addressed include: -Fundamental Principles: Delving into the underlying physics of triboelectric and piezoelectric effects at the nanoscale, with a focus on material interactions and charge transfer mechanisms. -Materials Innovations: Exploring novel materials and composites that enhance the efficiency and reliability of nanogenerators. -Device Design and Fabrication: Showcasing state-of-the-art designs and fabrication techniques for triboelectric and piezoelectric nanogenerators, covering micro/nano-scale engineering approaches and integration strategies for diverse applications. -Applications: Highlighting the diverse range of applications enabled by triboelectric and piezoelectric nanogenerators, including but not limited to self-powered sensors, wearable electronics and energy harvesting from ambient environments.MC12 - Materials' morphology alteration by using state-of-the-art techniques: experiments, simulations and theoretical models

Milena Majkić (1), Eduardo Castro (2)
(1) University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia, (2) University of Porto
Keywords: ion beam, surface modification, nanostructuring
Recently, significant challenges have emerged using state-of-the-art techniques, like the focused ion beam (FIB), ion channeling, electron beam irradiation, ion implantation, slow highly charged and swift heavy ion irradiations, for the modification, fabrication and characterization of materials down to the nanoscale. These techniques induce the alteration of materials' structural, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, thermal, and optical properties. Various types of surface modifications, such as hillocks, craters, pores, cylindrical tracks formed inside the bulk, etc., are created due to exposure to the individual impact of slow highly charged and swift heavy ions. The emerging applications of these novel techniques are vast, ranging from basic research to technology. The aforementioned state-of-the-art techniques are used in the realization of future electronic, optoelectronic and spintronic devices. Ion induced defect formation in low-dimensional materials is of interest for developing ultrathin membranes for ion beam analysis and also for the development of nanoporous membranes for advanced nanofiltration applications. The Mini-Colloquium will focus on the novel and advanced applications of state-of-the-art experimental techniques, simulations, and theoretical approaches in ion-solid interactions. The latest experiments encompass different target types, including metals, insulators, free-standing and supported 2D materials and atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides. Theoretical models (thermal spike model and two-state vector model (TVM)) and simulation techniques (the molecular dynamics (MD), kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) techniques, density functional theory (DFT)), used for comprehensive understanding the effect of the applied ion beam techniques on materials' structural, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, thermal, and optical properties, are also within the scope of this colloquium.MC13 - Mesoscopic superconductivity and quantum circuits

Gianluigi Catelani (1), Alessandro Braggio (2), Pedro Ribeiro (3), Martin Weides (4)
(1) Juelich Research Center & TII, (2) CNR-NANO Instituto di Nanoscienze, (3) Universidade de Lisboa, (4) University of Glasgow
Keywords: mesoscopic superconductivity, quantum circuits, hybrid devices
Mesoscopic superconductors are a natural choice in the quest to manipulate macroscopic coherent quantum states by electronic means. That is why superconducting devices are being investigated to realize novel quantum technologies for applications in quantum computation, simulation, and sensing. Therefore, a deep understanding of charge, spin and heat transport in the coherent superconducting regime has the potential to help advance the second quantum revolution. In fact, superconducting circuits have already led to beautiful quantum optics experiments in the microwave frequency domain and atomic physics experiments using superconducting qubits as artificial atoms. Still, while superconducting circuits are one of the most advanced platforms for the implementation of quantum information processing, more fundamental research is needed to improve the performance of qubits in terms of coherence time, gate time, reproducibility, and scalability, to the necessary level for practical use. Moreover, superconducting circuits can interact with electromagnetic, mechanical, and ferromagnetic degrees of freedom, thus representing a unique flexible platform to implement hybrid devices integrating different materials with complementary properties. The minicolloquium will bring together theorists and experimentalists to discussed topics including (but not limited to): - coherence and dissipation in Josephson junctions and hybrid qubits and devices - quantum measurement and entanglement manipulation in superconducting circuits - hybrid quantum circuits and quantum memoriesMC14 - Ultrafast electronics meets quantum thermodynamics

Rosa Lopez (1), Michael Moskalets (2)
(1) Institute of Cross Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems, (2) Kharkov Polytechnical Institute
Keywords: New nanomaterials/concepts, Physical properties, Applications
Quantum technologies aim to replace classical principles with quantum principles to improve the accuracy, reliability, efficiency and speed of machines and devices used around us. The request for efficiency and speed leads to the miniaturisation of devices, which, within the framework of the present day quantum revolution, are naturally limited by the size of such quantum entities as atoms, electrons and alike. This is why the recently emerging field of Ultrafast Single-electronics looks promising for quantum technologies purposes. On the other hand, the request for accuracy and reliability leads us to the need to use thermodynamics, which, among other things, puts some limits on how classical machines and devices are operating, respectively, Quantum Thermodynamics is supposed to put similar limits on their quantum counterparts. It would be interesting to understand how thermodynamics works at the single-particle level and what restrictions thermodynamics puts on the production and manipulation of single electrons. The idea of this Mini-Colloquia is to bring together the researcher from the fields of ultrashort single-electronics and quantum thermodynamics for mutual benefit with a possible synergistic effect for quantum technology applications.MC15 - Phononics and thermal transport

Ilaria Zardo (1), Riccardo Rurali (2), Marianna Sledzinska (3), António Pereira Gonçalves (4)
(1) Department of Physics, University of Basel, (2) ICMAB-CSIC, (3) Institut Catalã de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia, (4) C2TN, IST, Universidade de Lisboa
Keywords: phononics, thermal transport, thermal management
Heat transport is becoming increasingly important in several areas of condensed mater physics and its study conveys both a fundamental and applied scientific interest. Recent years have seen remarkable advances in the development and design of nanostructures, and materials with unprecedented level of purity and structural quality are now available. Current experimental capabilities are such that nanostructured features of the same characteristic length of phonons ” the quantized vibrations of the crystal lattice, responsible for heat transport in semiconductors and insulators” can be obtained. This enhanced degree of control in material design opens a way to novel strategies to influence and manipulate phonon transport. For example, the thermal conductivity of a material can be purposely suppressed, to engineer an efficient thermoelectric material. Also, thermal budget, which otherwise can limit the performances of novel nanoelectronic devices, can be mitigated by designing materials with exceptionally high thermal conductivity. Finally, phonons can be used to encode logic functions in devices analogous to their electronic counterparts, such as diodes and transistors, and periodic superstructures can be used to selectively suppress phonons with frequencies within a specific range. The general goal of this Mini-Colloquium is to present some of the most promising achievements in this field, promoting collaborations and bringing together experimentalists and theoreticians dedicated to advancing these cutting-edge topics.MC16 - Integrative approaches in physics: using machine learning to explore magnetism, disordered media, and materials science

Célio Fernandes (1), Luís Ferrás (2), Cecília Coelho (3)
(1) CEFT, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, (2) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Porto, (3) Centre of Mathematics, University of Minho
Keywords: Scientific Machine Learning, Differential Equations, Materials
The intersection of machine learning (ML) and materials science has paved the way for groundbreaking advancements in understanding and manipulating complex phenomena across various fields, from discovering new relations from data to reducing computational cost of simulations. This mini-colloquium aims to explore the role of ML in addressing challenges related to magnetism, mechanical properties of materials, and disordered media. In magnetism, ML methods have demonstrated exceptional capabilities in predicting magnetic properties, unraveling intricate magnetic interactions, and optimising magnetic materials for specific applications. This is invaluable in accelerating the design and discovery of novel magnetic materials, which contribute to the development of more efficient electronic devices, sensors, and data storage systems. ML also plays a crucial role in the deciphering of the mechanical properties of materials, providing insights into the structure-property relationships that govern their behaviour under different conditions. With ML algorithms, researchers can extract patterns from data, predict material responses to mechanical stimuli, and guide the design of materials with customised mechanical characteristics. In disordered media, ML provides innovative solutions for characterising and understanding the complex disorder inherent in materials by extracting meaningful information from disordered structures, thus allowing the identification of key parameters that influence material behaviour and guide the design of disordered materials with specific functionalities. Furthermore, ML provides methods to power-up computational simulations by having the ability to generalise to different boundary/initial conditions and by providing non-iterative and mesh-independent models. This mini-colloquium seeks to foster a collaborative discussion among researchers and practitioners working at the intersection of ML and materials science, providing a platform to share insights, challenges, and recent developments in these diverse, yet interconnected fields.MC17 - Spectroscopic Hall effect

Girsh Blumberg Rutgers (1), Alexey Kuzmenko (2)
(1) University of Rutgers, (2) University of Geneva
Keywords: spectroscopic (optical) anomalous Hall effect, Berry curvature, topological insulators
In conventional metals, various transport coefficients are scaled according to the quasiparticles relaxation time, which implies that the relaxation time approximation (RTA) holds well. However, such a simple scaling does not hold in many strongly correlated electron systems. The “strange metals” represent most famous example, where almost all the transport coefficients exhibit significant deviation from the RTA results. This issue has been one of the most significant unresolved problems in the family of cuprate superconductors for a long time and it continues to challenge the condensed- matter community. Similar anomalous transport phenomena have been observed in metals near their antiferromagnetic or nematic quantum critical points. This introduces new urgent and far-reaching questions, concerning the role of strong correlations in a plethora of transport phenomena in correlated matters, which could be addressed by extending the transport studies into finite frequency domain. The optical Hall conductivity is rapidly developing experimental probe which enables to acquire a host of new information about the properties of electronic systems in strongly correlated matters by extending the dc Hall conductivity measurements into the microwave and infrared frequencies, analogously to the conventional longitudinal optical conductivity. This new spectroscopic approach is designed to complement the transport experiments to check the bounds of RTA validity, to measure intrinsic Berry-phase contribution to the anomalous Hal effect, or to probe the mechanisms of time-reversal symmetry breaking. Electronic systems where spectroscopic Hall probe has recently proven to be particularly informative are unconventional superconductors, the integer and fractional quantum Hall systems, quantum anomalous Hall states, graphene-like systems, magnetic topological insulators, valley Hall effect 2D crystals with a honeycomb lattice, the “strange metals” including cuprates and heavy fermions near antiferromagnetic quantum critical points, iron-based superconductors near nematic critical point, Moiré-graphene superconductors, to name a few. By collecting the key actors of experimental and theoretical research, who are spread among different communities, this Mini-Colloquium aims at in-depth analysis of common themes and novel challenges in application of the relatively new optical Hall conductivity probe, to progress our understanding of the strongly interacting electron systems.MC18 - Magnetization dynamics at nanoscale

Gleb Kakazei (1), Alexander Serga (2)
(1) IFIMUP, University of Porto, (2) Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University Kaiserslautern-Landau
Keywords: Nanomagnetism, Magnonics, Spin waves
The rapid development of sophisticated nanofabrication techniques granted the possibility to fabricate structures with dimensions down to tens of nanometers. Nanomagnetism is a quickly growing area of applied physics with the primary goal of developing new energy-efficient devices, including data storage, memory, wave-based computing, sensors, and biomedical devices. The very recent expansion of nanostructures into the third dimension gives rise to many complex magnetic configurations with unprecedented properties. Microwave and optical methods have been developed to characterize magnetization dynamics with high accuracy and to study the eigenfrequencies and intensities of various types of spin-wave excitations in the gigahertz frequency range. Successes in generating ultrashort laser pulses have made it possible to create all-optical pump-probe systems that have extended these studies to several tens of terahertz. Recently, magnonics has emerged as a sub-branch of nanomagnetism. Magnonics addresses the physical properties of spin waves and utilizes them for data processing. Scalability down to atomic dimensions, operation in the GHz-to-THz frequency range, utilization of nonlinear and nonreciprocal phenomena, and compatibility with complementary metal-oxide-semiconductors (CMOS) are just a few of the many advantages offered by magnonics. This mini-colloquia is devoted to the review of recent progress in magnonics as well as to magnetization dynamics in three-dimensional nanomagnets and spin textures like domain walls, vortices, and skyrmions.MC19 - Topological materials for novel electronic devices: towards room temperature applications

Carlos Rosário (1), Alexander Brinkman (2), Daniel Rosenbach (3)
(1) INL, Braga, (2) University of Twente, (3) University of Cologne
Keywords: Topological materials, Quantum transport, spin- & electronics
Topological phases of matter offer exceptional features that are the focus of many fundamental studies in quantum and condensed matter physics. But they also open the doors to radically new paradigms and applications in electronics, spintronics and beyond. 3D topological insulators (TIs) are materials that are insulating in the bulk but that possess metallic surfaces where the spin and momentum of the charge carriers are coupled. Beyond 3D TIs, there is extensive research on quantum spin/anomalous Hall insulators with edge states, and Dirac and Weyl semimetals with bulk spin-momentum locking. Most of the current research on topological materials is performed at cryogenic temperature. At higher temperature the trivial properties often dominate. Overcoming this temperature limitation will pave the way for room temperature applications of topological materials in electronics. This requires not only new developments in the growth and integration of established topological materials, with a good control of the level of disorder, but also new material platforms with properties that guarantee the survival of the topological features up to room temperature, such as an increased bandgap in TIs. Opportunities arise with quantum spin Hall insulators, 2D TIs exhibiting helical edge states, where energy gaps approaching 1 eV have been reported in atomically-thick bismuthene. There are already some good examples of the relevance of topological materials in spintronics, where the charge-to-spin conversion achieved with 3D TIs enables high-efficiency switching of magnetic memories at room temperature. A number of European teams are actively pursuing novel applications, bridging fields from optics, spintronics and quantum electronics. This mini-colloquium aims at creating a dynamic forum for the discussion of: (i) the latest developments in different topological materials that could bring room temperature operation closer to reality; (ii) new concepts and applications of topological materials, from spintronics and metrology to radically new ideas in energy storage.MC20 - Neuromorphic computing with complex systems

Bruno Romeira (1), Roberta Zambrini (2), Pedro David García (3)
(1) INL, Braga, (2) IFISC, (3) ICMM - CSIC
Keywords: Photonics, complexity, neuromorphic computing
Complexity phenomena such as nonlinear dynamics, self pulsing, chaos, synchronization, etc are of great interest when implementing artificial neural networks. Indeed, the complexity of human brain neurons and synapses is thought to be the basis for a broad range of inputs in biological neurons. The effect of complexity in artificial neural networks for faster, dynamic and more efficient computations is an exciting topic to be explored. For that, photonic neuromorphic computing is particularly interesting as it offers a plethora of such physical processes with high degree of control and the possibility of scalability and integration with emergent materials in hybrid systems for electronics, spintronics, optomechanics and so on. Furthermore, both classical and quantum setting have been recently proposed. In this minicolloquium, we want to explore the state of the art of different aspects of complex phenomena in pure photonic (classical and quantum) systems and in combination with emergent materials to form hybrid systems and their potential use for neuromorphic information processing, sensing and computation. The key areas of interest to this minicolloquium include (but are not limited to): - Emerging materials for photonic, electronic, spintronic, opto-mechanic nonlinear neurosynaptic devices of neuromorphic computing importance - Device, circuit, architecture design, algorithms for neuromorphic computing complex systems - Novel neuromorphic computing systems including reservoir computing, extreme learning machines, spiking, stochastic, oscillatory xxx and quantum machine learning. - Complexity and scalability of neuromorphic computing systems - Complex dynamics in photonic systems: spiking, oscillatory, self-pulsing, chaos, synchronisation.MC21 - Optical materials for structured light

Stefano Luigi Oscurato (1), Marco Piccardo (2), Jaana Vapaavuori (3)
(1) University of Naples " Federico II", (2) Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, (3) Aalto University, Helsinki
Keywords: optical materials, flat optics, light-modulating devices
Structured light has become indispensable across a diverse array of applications. Its advancements owe much to the continuous progress in optical materials, which serve as the foundation for innovation in this field. This mini-colloquium aims to explore the crucial role of optical materials and their engineering in shaping structured light technology. Among the materials of interest are azopolymers, graphene, liquid crystals, nonlinear optical materials, and biomaterial-based films for diffractive optics, metasurfaces, photonic crystals, and solar cells. Azopolymers, for instance, exhibit remarkable responsiveness to light, making them invaluable for adaptive optics and holography. Metasurfaces offer nano-engineered precision in controlling light’s properties, impacting fields from imaging to sensing. Graphene’s exceptional properties make it versatile in various photonic applications, while liquid crystals find use in display technologies and sensors. Photonic crystals enable precise control over light propagation, and nonlinear optical materials are crucial for high-power lasers and telecommunications. Biomaterial-based films offer tunable characteristics for photonic devices and privacy protection. This colloquium seeks not only to explore but also to emphasize the pivotal role of optical materials in advancing photonics. By bringing together experts from various optical and material communities, it aims to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and deepen understanding in this field, driving further innovations in structured light technology and its applications.MC22 - Frontiers in phonon-mediated superconductivity

Tiago Cerqueira (1), Yue-Wen Fang (2), Simone di Cataldo (3)
(1) University of Coimbra, (2) University of the Basque Country, (3) Sapienza University of Rome
Keywords: Superconductors, Electron-phonon coupling
With applications ranging from energy transmission to quantum computing, superconducting materials can play a transformative role in shaping the future of technology. This colloquium delves into the cutting-edge developments in the realm of phonon-mediated superconductivity, highlighting key advances and theoretical frameworks that have propelled this field forward. We invite contributions from different research lines, ranging from high temperature superconductors at ambient pressure conditions, to high temperature superconductors at extreme pressures, both in experiment and theory. Owing to the importance of computational methods in this field, which dramatically accelerated the discovery of novel superconductors, contributions about advances in machine learning methods are also welcome.MC23 - Advanced characterization for energy materials

Rui Vilão (1), Jennifer Passos Teixeira (2), Sudhanshu Shukla (3)
(1) University of Coimbra, (2) INL, Braga, (3) IMEC
Keywords: Energy Materials, Advanced characterization
The development of new energy materials is essential for the appearance and optimization of several applications and in this context, semiconductors are an essential key of several emerging energy technologies such as conversion technologies like: photovoltaics, photoelectrochemical cells, thermoelectric, among others, or lighting and passive solutions such as thermo/electrochromic, LEDs, etc. However, the development of these new semiconductors brings issues related with their fundamental properties as their usual structures, compositions and even synthesis procedures are usually complex and very diversified. As such, in this minicolloquium, we will explore advanced characterization techniques, and their conjugation, that are capable or probing the properties of semiconductor materials that are used in energy applications. Examples are microscopy based techniques, spectroscopy and others that can probe several properties at the same time such as optoelectronic properties.MC24 - Multifunctional materials for advanced biophysics: decoding electrical and mechanical cues

Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez (1), Clarisse Ribeiro (2), Sylvie Ribeiro (2)
(1) BCMaterials, Spain, (2) CFUM, University of Minho
Keywords: Biophysics, electrical stimulation, mechanotransduction
The regulation of cellular behavior involves a complex interplay of biophysical stimuli, with particular emphasis on the roles played by electrical and mechanical cues. Recognizing the importance of these stimuli, coupled with a comprehension of mechanotransduction, reveals the intricate mechanisms that govern cellular responses. Electrical stimuli, often emanating from the cellular membrane, are key players in cellular communication, muscle contraction and ion channel regulation. Cells possess a remarkable ability to sense and respond to electrical cues, showcasing the intricate interplay between bioelectricity and cellular behavior. Mechanical stimuli, on the other hand, exert profound effects on cellular architecture and function. Cells experience a dynamic mechanical environment, subjected to forces ranging from sheer stress to tension. Mechanotransduction, the process by which cells convert mechanical cues into biochemical signals, emerges as a fundamental mechanism governing cellular behavior. Fundamentally, the coordinated interplay between electrical and mechanical stimuli governs the complex dynamics of cellular behavior. This comprehension not only helps to decipher the complexities of regular cellular function but also opens opportunities for developing therapeutic interventions that harness biophysical cues to modulate cellular behavior in both healthy and diseased states. In this context, a new generation of active biomaterials, including piezoelectric, magnetoelectric, or shape memory, allow to develop active cell microenvironments with tunable electroactive, mechanoactive and combined responses, allowing to property tune and comprehended cell response. In this colloquium, the design and evaluation of the active materials, the modeling of their response and their application for cell stimulation will be discussed, highlighting the needed comprehension of the physical stimuli for proper tissue regeneration.MC25 - Electronic and magnetic excitations in 2D materials

Antonio Costa (1), Alejandro Molina-Sanchez (2), Efren Navarro Mortalla (2), Marta Galbiati (2)
(1) INL, Braga, (2) University of Valencia
Keywords: quantum materials, strongly correlated electron systems, spin waves
Collective excitations are key to understanding the behavior of matter. They determine a systematic response to external stimuli, and also its thermodynamic behavior. For instance, the low temperature behavior of magnetic 2D materials is dominated by magnons. In semiconducting 2D materials, excitons dominate the optical response even at room temperature. In this mini-colloquium we will gather experts on the field of 2D materials to reflect upon different aspects of their electronic and magnetic states from different points of view, including theory and computation of material properties, spectroscopy, quantum transport, topological properties of matter and any field related to the study of excitations in 2D materials. We will discuss phenomena in 2D materials like magnon propagation, superconductivity in moiré heterostructures, anomalous Hall effects, and alter magnetism.MC26 - Topological bosonics

Daniel Lanzillotti-Kimura (1), Yan Pennec (2), Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres (3)
(1) CNRS-C2N, Paris Saclay, (2) University of Lille, (3) INL, Braga
Keywords: Topological matter, Phonons, photons and exciton polaritons, Information dissipation processes
The discovery of topological quantum states of matter marks a major advancement in condensed matter physics. These states, particularly in electronic systems, open new avenues to explore emerging physics, such as the quantum spin Hall effect, quantum anomalous Hall effect, magnetic monopole, fermion physics. Beyond electrons, bosons play a crucial role as elementary excitations in condensed matter systems. The discovery of topological electronic states has given rise to a new field called "topological bosonics", which is not a simple extension of topological electronics due to significant differences between electrons and other excitations such as phonons, photons, exciton-polaritons, etc. Despite these differences, both electrons and bosons in periodic lattices are described by Bloch wave functions. Therefore, topological concepts like Berry phase, Berry connection, Berry curvature, and Chern number, which are based on Bloch wave functions, apply to bosonic systems as well. The introduction of topology and pseudospin-related physics in the study of bosons provides innovative approaches for future advancements in communication technologies. Key directions for future studies include searching for new topological platforms, exploring new phases of topological states, and investigating the physical consequences of topological states in fundamental phenomena like heat dissipation, electrical resistance, information transfer and superconductivity. This mini colloquium aims at bringing together students and researchers working on the next generation of topological devices and architectures across which information can flow without losses. This conceptually simple yet technologically and fundamentally challenging requirement is crucial for the development of technologies in fields ranging from information processing to quantum communication and metrology. The goal is to create a common ground for understanding the different topological platforms, current challenges, and potential new avenues in this exciting emerging field b y bringing together theorist and experimentalist working with bosonic states.MC27 - Carbon-based nanostructures with engineered electronic and spin properties

Joaquin Fernandez-Rossier (1), Pascal Ruffieux (2)
(1) INL, Braga, (2) EMPA
Keywords: Nanographenes, Scanning probes, Nanomagnetism
The controlled on-surface synthesis of graphene nanostructures, combined with scanning probe techniques, offers a promising avenue to unlock a plethora of physical properties beyond those traditionally associated with graphene. Recent achievements include structure-controlled electronic band gap, thermoelectric properties, and spin-polarized edge states in graphene nanoribbons. Importantly, this route offers the possibility to engineer spin chains with different values of the spin and exchange interactions. This approach has made it possible to create artificial spin chains and rings of S=1 triangulenes probed with inelastic electron tunnel spectroscopy with STM (IETS-STM), enabling the observation of the Haldane gap and spin fractionalization. The experimental work detailing the bottom-up preparation of two-dimensional nanographene crystals is garnering heightened interest, fueling theoretical predictions of exotic electronic behaviors. These include magnetic order, excitonic insulator phases, and valence bond solid spin states within such systems. In parallel, the developments of new scanning probes sensitive to atomic scale magnetism, such as STM electron spin resonance and the AFM ESR have the potential to explore and manipulate pi-magnetism with unprecedented resolution. This minicolloquium will gather experts in theory, synthesis, characterization, and novel experimental techniques aimed at probing nanographenes at the nanoscale. Our goal is to explore innovative approaches to understand and synthesize magnetic nanographenes, as well as 1D and 2D carbon systems with specific electronic properties or magnetic ground states. By fostering collaboration across synthesis, theoretical modeling, and characterization, the colloquium aims to generate new insights and drive forward the field.MC28 - Ultrastrong coupling for quantum science and technologies

Giuseppe Falci (1), Miroslav Grajcar (2), Pasquale Scarlino (3), Gian Marcello Andolina (4)
(1) University of Catania, (2) Comenius University, Bratislava, (3) Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, (4) CNRS - College de France
Keywords: Ultrastrong Coupling ,Light-Matter Interaction, Quantum Technologies
Light-matter interaction is at the heart of modern Quantum Science and Technologies. The development of atomic and solid-state systems where quantum emitters interact with confined quantized modes has made it possible to achieve the strong-coupling (SC) regime where the coupling strength exceeds decay rates allowing the coherent exchange of individual excitations between atoms and mode. This deterministic interaction allows controllable quantum dynamics of few- and many-body systems offering a variety of applications from photon sources and detectors to quantum computing and communication. In the last fifteen years systems where the coupling strength is comparable with the bare frequencies have been fabricated in diverse solid-state platforms. In this ultrastrong-coupling (USC) regime, spectral and dynamical properties are profoundly modified. Experiments have demonstrated that in the USC regime not only the optical, but also electrical and chemical properties can be tailored by embedding quantum emitters and materials in light-confining structures. Still, many fundamental questions are open about phase transitions, controlled dynamics or the elusive Dynamical Casimir effect. This minicolloquium will cover recent experimental and theoretical efforts on: (1) design and implementation of methods to enhance the coupling between quantum emitters and confined photonic/phononic modes in conventional, novel and hybrid platforms. The enhancement also considers novel forms of interaction beyond the standard dipolar coupling, and parametric couplings mediated by external fields. (2) Progress in new technologies as superinductors. (3) The exploration of the novel quantum phenomenology induced by such unconventional light-matter interactions, both concerning fundamental aspects and possible applications in quantum technologies. (4) The design and the demonstration of advanced quantum-controlled dynamics.MC29 - Orbitronics - exploring the power of orbital angular momentum manipulation

Tatiana Rappoport (1), Felix Casanova (2), Aurelien Manchon (3), Jose Garcia (4)
(1) University of Minho, (2) CIC nanoGUNE, (3) CINaM, Aix-Marseille University, (4) ICN2
Keywords: Orbitronics, Orbital Angular Momentum, Spintronics
In the evolution of electronic devices, charge flow control has been foundational for data storage and computing. Recent decades witnessed groundbreaking progress through spintronics, focusing on the manipulation of electron spins for more efficient and non-volatile data storage. However, electrons in atoms and solids carry both spin and orbital angular momentum, prompting the emergence of orbitronics. Orbitronics explores the orbital angular momentum flow in solids. Unlike spintronics, which relies on strong spin-orbit coupling to convert charge to spin, orbitronics offers a distinctive approach. The conversion of charge to orbital properties is not contingent on spin-orbit coupling and can occur, remarkably, even in light metals. Recent experimental and theoretical results offer a fresh perspective on angular momentum dynamics and suggest unprecedented opportunities to explore the orbital angular momentum manipulation in solids. This mini-colloquium serves as an opportunity to gather the community in the field and discuss the new advances.MC30 - Materials research with neutrons

Mariela Nolasco (1), Andrea Piovano (2), Maria Marques (3), Marco Zanatta (4)
(1) University of Aveiro, (2) Institut Laue-Langevin, (3) University of Coimbra, (4) University of Trento
Keywords: Neutron techniques, lattice dynamics, magnetic properties
There are two interactions of neutrons with matter that make neutron techniques fundamental in materials research: short-range strong nuclear interactions and electromagnetic interactions due to the magnetic moment of neutrons. As the wavelength and energy of thermal neutrons ideally match interatomic distances and excitation energies in condensed matter (under its different flavors), neutron techniques can directly probe the static and dynamic properties of materials. In addition, neutrons carry a magnetic moment, which makes them a unique tool for detecting magnetic phenomena. This has significantly improved the understanding in key areas such as condensed matter physics and chemistry, nanotechnology, polymer science, sensors, smart materials and biotechnology. The scope of this Mini-Colloquium is spreading knowledge within the application of neutron techniques to materials research and foster scientific interdisciplinary cooperation between physicists, chemists, material scientists and biologists. Across a few presentations, some examples will be showcased concerning the application of neutron techniques fostering new frontiers in the understanding of condensed matter physics and chemistry within the domain of materials research. This will be of utmost relevance for a wide community of researchers, especially those who might not be familiar with the techniques but can profit from the use of such techniques to boost their research.MC31 - Moiré, super-moiré and quasiperiodic quantum matter in twisted van der Waals heterostructures

Jose Lado (1), Eduardo Castro (2), Pedro Ribeiro (3)
(1) Aalto University, (2) University of Porto, (3) Instituto Superior Técnico
Keywords: van der Waals heterostructures, twisted moiré materials, quasiperiodic physics
Twisted van der Waals materials have risen as a highly versatile platform to engineer artificial quantum matter. As a result of the lattice mismatch and/or misalignment, a moiré pattern emerges, with a corresponding length scale that can be used as a tuning mechanism to enhance correlations (which stabilize superconducting or correlated insulating states) or induce topological states. Recently, engineered artificial lattices with emergent moiré patterns have been combined to produce super-moiré materials, where the interplay of two or more moiré patterns creates a moiré superstructure. Interestingly, the incommensurate combination of structures with different moiré patterns opens up the possibility of creating structures with quasiperiodic structure at the nanometric scale (contrasting with quasiperiodicity at the atomic scale). These so called Moiré quasicrystals open new design possibilities for engineering tunable quantum materials with on-demand properties. Importantly, the prominent effect of quasiperiodicity in these novel materials can help clarify its role in enhancing interactions. This mini-colloquium will bring together theory and experiment in twisted van der Waals materials, focusing on the emergence of moiré, super- moiré and quasiperiodic quantum phenomena in twisted two-dimensional materials. Our overarching goal is to leverage existing expertise in the already established field of moiré heterostructures, to boost the topical emerging field of super- moiré correlated physics in twisted materials.MC32 - Topological and chiral superconductor and magnetic nanostructures

Vladimir Fomin (1), Rosa Cordoba (2), Gleb Kakazei (3)
(1) Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, (2) University of Valencia, (3) IFIMUP, University of Porto
Keywords: spectroscopic anomalous Hall effect, Kerr effect, Faraday effect
We summarize the state of the art in the field of topological and chiral superconductor and magnetic micro- and nanostructures and outline the vision for advancing the future research in topological superconductor and magnetic nanoarchitectures as well as their application prospects. We review advanced experimental techniques for fabrication and characterization of magnetic, superconductor and hybrid nanostructures. We represent topological transitions between vortex and phase-slip regimes in superconductor 3D nanoarchitectures. We address curvature-induced effects in magnetism and consider how curvature allows for tailoring anisotropic and chiral magnetic interactions and enables nonlocal chiral symmetry breaking effect, which is responsible for the coexistence and coupling of multiple magneto-chiral properties within a magnetic structure. We consider unique superconducting properties of a locally non-centrosymmetric superconductor CeRhAs caused by sublattice degrees of freedom. We discuss the discovery of the material system having both spin- and orbital-sourced Berry curvature, the orbital design of Berry curvature, the observation of YSR states in graphene promising for topological quantum computing. We find out how the domain-wall magnetoresistance measurements in LSMO cross-shaped nanowires open a way for handling magnetic bits. We overview the focused He-ion beam fabrication of Josephson barriers within microbridges of epitaxially grown single-crystalline YBCO thin films and the focused Ga-ion beam milling to produce disk-shaped Josephson junctions with a ferromagnetic bottom layer and exotic distributions of supercurrents therein. We learn how the measured supercurrent noise of a phase-biased SNS ring provides insight to the nature of noise in the hybrid superconducting systems, which are candidates for ultrasensitive quantum devices, with an outlook to the topological SNS junctions, whose supercurrent noise can reveal a topologically protected crossing.MC33 - Memristive devices and materials for emerging computing paradigms

Catarina Dias (1), José Silva (2), Sabina Spiga (3), Susana Cardoso (4)
(1) IFIMUP, University of Porto, (2) University of Minho, (3) CNR-IMM, Unit of Agrate Brianza, (4) INESC-MN and IST, University of Lisbon
Keywords: memristive materials, devices and networks, resistive switching models and mechanisms, neuromorphic computing
Emerging computing paradigms arise from the need to address the limitations of traditional computing architectures and to meet the evolving demands of modern applications. Performance improvement, energy efficiency, scalability, and adaptability are some of the critical challenges. Memristors emerge as promising devices able to address them. They exhibit resistive switching behavior and can reproduce neuronal behaviors, being a viable component for neuromorphic computing in hardware at the nanoscale, with low power consumption. Thorough research into materials and physical mechanisms, supported by advanced characterization techniques, is essential for understanding and fine-tuning resistive switching behaviors, and then surpassing the limitations of current semiconductor-based approaches. The proposed mini colloquium seeks to explore cutting-edge research in the field of memristive materials and devices, with a focus on their potential for emerging computing architectures. This research field is currently getting significant attention from a diverse and interdisciplinary community across materials science, physics, biology, device engineering, and computing. Therefore, we aim to bring together a diverse group of researchers to discuss recent advancements, share insights, and promote collaborations. Although not limited to the following topics will be discussed: i) materials and devices for computing (redox devices, electrochemical metallization devices, phase change materials, ferroelectric oxides, 2D materials, nanowire networks, halide perovskites, organic materials, flexible devices, optoelectronic devices, liquid devices); device modelling; applications in neural networks ii) advanced characterization techniques to unravel the microscopic physical/chemical dynamics responsible for the resistive switching phenomena (electron microscopy/spectroscopy, conductive AFM, synchrontron-based spectro-microscopy or optical spectroscopy, ToF-SIMS, in-operando techniques)MC34 - Nonequilibrium dynamics and control of quantum materials

Michael Sentef (1), Dante Kennes (2), Elsa Abreu (3), Pedro Ribeiro (4)
(1) University of Bremen, (2) RWTH Aachen University, (3) ETH Zürich, (4) CeFEMA-IST-ULisboa
Keywords: Nonequilibrium dynamics, many-body physics, quantum materials
Recent years have seen a surge of experimental discoveries in the field of ultrafast material science. The rich out-of-equilibrium behavior of driven quantum materials reported in experiments ranges from Higgs spectroscopy in superconductors subjected to THz laser pulses via light-induced superconducting-like responses far above the equilibrium critical temperature and coherent Floquet band-structure engineering to dynamical optical switching of electronic or magnetic order and unraveling of hidden metastable phases through nonthermal pathways. In turn, these findings have triggered theoretical efforts to understand these experiments but also to inspire novel ideas for future experiments. New ultrafast control paradigms have been suggested for chiral topological superconductors, dynamically modulated microscopic interactions have been identified as potential tuning knobs for long-range-ordered driven phases of matter, or even heating-induced order due to symmetries have been explored. In this minicolloquium we would like to bring together a broad audience of experimentalists and theorists working on these topics in order to foster the scientific exchange and at the same time provide an opportunity to discuss potential new directions and a focus towards potential technologies that exploit nonequilibrium dynamics and nonthermal states of matter. Open scientific questions and future challenges guiding this minicolloquium are for instance: - how can we create functionality far from equilibrium? - how can we integrate materials synthesis and nonequilibrium experiments to design materials tailored to enable precise nonequilibrium control with light? - which experimental probes can help us gain further insight into nonthermal states of matter? - what are the major challenges to theoretically describe nonequilibrium states of matter relevant to experiments? - how do we model heating and dissipation theoretically, and how can we mitigate it experimentally? - which ideas and paradigms from adjacent fields (quantum optics, cold atoms) can stimulate new directions?MC35 - Interaction effects in systems with higher order Van Hove singularities and flat bands

Joseph Betouras (1), Eduardo Castro (2), Peter Wahl (3), Gertrud Zwicknagl (4)
(1) Loughborough University, (2) University of Porto, (3) University of St-Andrews, (4) Technische Universität Braunschweig
Keywords: Van Hove singularities, Flat Bands, strongly correlated electron materials
Important advancements on understanding the role of Fermi surface topological transitions in correlated systems have been made recently. The effects of the usual Lifshitz transitions and Van Hove singularities (VHs) have far-reaching consequences for correlated systems, including in iron pnictides, ferromagnetic superconductors, and cuprate superconductors. A complete classification of VHs’s in 2D was achieved as well as theoretical studies how to engineer higher order VHs and flat bands. The interplay between these singularities in the density of states, the different instabilities due to electronic correlations and details of the underpinning crystal structure promise control of correlated phases. The physics of VHs is important in a wide range of correlated electron materials, including ruthenates, heavy fermion materials, twisted bilayer graphene and other moiré lattices where long-standing puzzles can be understood in the framework of higher order Fermi surface topological transitions. Recent studies report new materials that exhibit unusual physics as a result of VHs and formation of flat bands, including Bernal-type bilayer graphene, the kagomé superconductor CsV3Sb5 or ferromagnet Fe3Sn2. On the other hand, flat bands bring new physics when correlations are taken into account. A very timely and notable example are fractional Chern insulators (MoTe2). These developments, in addition to the surge of interest in flat bands and the quest of topological protection and unconventional electronic states stabilized through these, constitute a rapidly evolving field. This Minicolloquium will bring together experimentalists and theorists to stimulate interactions that will enable the field to take the next step, the deliberate control of VHs in these systems and stabilization of novel ground states. This requires spectroscopies with ultra-high energy resolution to detect the VHs on the relevant energy scales, new experimental approaches to tune their energy and class, theoretical approaches combining ab-initio modelling with many-body techniques to determine the leading electronic instabilities and enable design of the VHs and flat bands and synthesis of new compounds to create new systems that host these.MC36 - Phase transitions in disordered strongly correlated low-dimensional systems

Eduardo Castro (1), Claire Marrache-Kikuchi (2), Miguel Ortuño (3), Igor Yurkevich (4)
(1) University of Porto, (2) Université Paris-Saclay, (3) Universidad de Murcia, (4) Astron University
Keywords: Disorder, Many-body physics, Low dimensional systems
The interplay between disorder and correlation is a fundamental problem of condensed matter physics. Since both effects are non-perturbative in low-dimensional systems, the competition becomes essential at low temperatures. Strongly correlated low-dimensional systems exhibit many unique properties that either emerge from an increased level of disorder or, on the contrary, retain the features of their cleaner counterparts. Understanding how the various ground states develop and how they respond to external excitations (or perturbations) is still a theoretical and an experimental challenge. For instance, the evolution of the superconducting order parameter with disorder is a question that continues to be animatedly discussed in the case of strongly disordered superconductors. Also, how disorder and correlations interact with nontrivial topology is a matter of both theoretical and technological importance. The mini-colloquium aims at gathering world-known experts to address topics that have recently emerged thanks to innovative experimental techniques, fabrication of novel materials and theoretical progress on the physics of strongly correlated and low dimensional systems. Specific topics include: · Electron glasses · Anderson localization · Many-body localization · Metal-insulator · Superconductor-insulator transitions · Disordered superconductors · Topological insulators and superconductors · Cold atoms and ions · Low-dimensional systems · Thermal transportMC37 - Advances in emerging nanostructured solar cells

Arlete Apolinário (1), Sascha Sadewasser (2), Mourad Boutahir (3)
(1) IFIMUP, University of Porto, (2) INL, Braga (3) LEM2A, Moulay Ismail University
Keyword: Solar cells, Nanostructures, Materials
This minicolloquium emphasizes the significance of nanostructured materials in the evolution of solar cell technologies. The escalating challenges of climate change, coupled with the growing energy demands of an expanding global population, have intensified the urgency for sustainable and economical energy solutions. The imperative for energy solutions that are both environmentally sustainable and economically viable has never been more acute. Solar cells, as sources of renewable energy, offer a promising pathway to address this critical energy need. Third-generation solar cells are attracting significant attention due to their potential advantages over traditional silicon-based counterparts, including reduced costs, enhanced flexibility, portability, and lighter weight. However, the commercialization still faces several challenges, notably in combining factors such as manufacturing costs, scalability techniques, and availability of low-cost raw materials, stability, durability, and energy conversion efficiency. Recent advancements in nanotechnology provide numerous advantages in addressing the comprehensive challenges of these requirements. Nanostructured materials, with their unique properties, have shown considerable promise in enhancing the performance and applicability of solar cells that has led to remarkable research progress. This minicolloquium aims to showcase state-of-the-art work in new emerging solar cells, with a special focus on the application of nanostructured materials. We invite contributions that highlight recent advancements in this cutting-edge field, with an emphasis on novel nano-engineered materials, heterojunctions, solar cells; 2D materials, carbon nanomaterials; carbon nanotubes; perovskite solar cells; heterojunction solar cells; dye-sensitized solar cells; photoelectrochemical cells, photocatalysis; computational modelling, quantum solar cells. This initiative aligns with the broader goal of promoting sustainable development and diversifying energy sources through the advancement of solar cell technologies.MC38 - Fundamentals and applications of polymer-based magnetoelectrics

Pedro Martins (1), Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez (2)
(1) Centro de Física, Universidade do Minho, (2) BCMaterials
Keyword: Magnetoelectrics, Piezoelectric Polymers, Smart Applications
Magnetoelectric (ME) materials, consisting of magnetostrictive and piezoelectric components, have been a focal point of research for several decades owing to their versatility and distinctive ability to interconnect the magnetic and electric characteristics of the material. Although these materials are frequently examined from a foundational perspective, the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (characterized by the automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices through modern smart technology) and the context of the Internet of Things (IoT) create optimal conditions for the effective implementation of such materials in various advanced applications. This colloquium commences with fundamental principles and extends to contemporary applications, shedding light on challenges and future directions. The discussion encompasses key materials, configurations, ME coefficients, processing techniques, and applications, including sensors, actuators, energy harvesting, and spintronics.MC39 - 2D Materials beyond graphene: from fundamental studies to enabling technologies

Andrea Capasso (1), Luca Camilli (2), José Caridad (3), Carlo Grazianetti (4), Alessandro Molle (4), Christian Martella (4)
(1) International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), (2) University of Tor Vergata, (3) University of Salamanca, (4) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
Keywords: 2D Materials; Fundamental Properties; Processing and Devices
Given the abundance of exploitable properties, the two-dimensional (2D) materials, including Xenes, MXenes, transition metal dichalcogenides sub-families, represent key building blocks for the investigation of fundamental phenomena in condensed matter physics and materials science, and for the development of innovative devices. Various production methods – such as chemical vapor deposition, molecular beam epitaxy and atomic layer deposition – and strategies for engineering the physical properties enable the realization of 2D materials at scales relevant to technology. This capability is crucial for fabricating devices whose properties often meet or exceed the current benchmark in semiconductor technology. Thus, both theoretical and experimental studies on 2D materials can contribute to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms driving 2D material-enabled technologies. This mini-colloquium aims at bringing together scientists from different areas (e.g., physics, chemistry, engineering, and material science), focusing on a selected range of topics. These will range fromcutting-edge advancements in wafer-scale production methods, to the characterization of fundamental properties (e.g., electronic, optical, and mechanical) via advanced experimental techniques, and to the investigation (also from the theoretical standpoint) of the physical principles underlying devices (e.g., electronic, such as field-effect transistors, memristors, and supercapacitors; photonic, such as phototransistors, detectors, plasmonic gratings, and metasurfaces; flexible, such as membranes, strain gauges, e-tattoos, and piezoresistors; chemical, such as gas detectors and sensors) based on 2D materials beyond graphene.MC40 - Understanding and tunning electrical characteristics of the interfaces in energy storage systems

Carlos M. Costa (1), Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez (2)
(1) University of Minho, (2) BCMaterials
Keywords: Electrical response; interfaces; materials for energy systems
This Minicolloquium is focuses on electrical response and interface understanding and engineering of energy storage systems, including lithium metal and beyond lithium batteries. This is one of the key issues in the current development of energy storage systems, including the implementation of solid electrolytes. Thus, the aim of this Minicolloquium is to focus on electrical characteristics of materials and materials combinations, either in the form of composites or layered materials, with particular emphasis on the interfaces of the different components.MC41 - Environmental nanomaterials for energy production and storage

Bernardo Almeida (1), Daniele Pontiroli (2), Rosa Baptista (1)
(1) University of Minho, (2) University of Parma
Keywords: New nanomaterials/concepts; Physical properties; Applications.
Environmental protection and sustainable energy exploitation present significant challenges due to the reducing availability of fossil fuels, global warming and increasing environmental pollution. In this scenario, nanomaterials have garnered great interest in recent years owing to their complex underlying physics and potential applications in energy and environmental sectors. They offer widely tunable mechanical, electronic, magnetic, and optical properties, among others, that can be harnessed for energy generation, conversion, and storage. While both academia and industry are actively progressing in materials synthesis and exploring their physical properties, the demand for novel concepts and materials remains still high. Moreover, the study of the underlying physics at unprecedented atomic scale may leverage novel exotic phases and materials properties, along with new physical phenomena. Energy and environmental nanomaterials include, but are not limited to, carbon materials, also originating from waste, phosphorus materials, metal oxide, ferroelectrics, multiferroics, perovskites, transition metal dichalcogenides. Various geometries, such as nanofibers, nanowires, nanoparticles, thin films and heterostructures, with their unique physical and chemical properties, offer opportunities to address energy and environmental challenges. Therefore, this mini-colloquium aims to be a platform for presenting recent research in the broad spectrum of condensed matter physics addressing these issues. The mini-colloquium aims to provide a space for discussion on both emerging and established topics, encompassing recent theoretical and simulation advances, nanomaterials synthesis, as well as characterization of innovative energy and environmental nanomaterials.MC42 - A quantum leap: unraveling the mysteries of correlated electronic states in quantum materials through atomic-scale imaging and spectroscopy

Peter Wahl (1), SeamusDavis (2), Pedro Ribeiro (3), Carolina de Almeida Marques (4)
(1) University of St Andrews, (2) University of Oxford, (3) University of Lisbon, (4) University of Zurich
In the dynamic landscape of quantum materials research, we confront the intricacies of correlated electronic states, which often defy conventional frameworks grounded in Landau quasi-particles. This minicolloquium, as a segment of the CMD conference, is designed to ignite exchanges between theoretical and experimental researchers about new ways to stabilise and study novel phases in quantum materials. It will concentrate on cutting-edge developments in the atomic-level detection, imaging and spectroscopy of these intricate states. The symposium will highlight strategies in theoretical modeling, with a special focus on quasi-particle interference phenomena and their modelling. It will delve into innovative ways to make Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) sensitive for new observables and excitations via modified probe tips, time-resolved measurements and the use of STM in understanding non-equilibrium states of matter. This platform aims to be a central gathering point for experts committed to untangling the complexities of correlated electron materials. It will emphasize advancing the creation of novel correlated states in thin films and heterostructures and honing methods for the atomic-level portrayal of these elusive states. The ultimate objective is to stimulate cross-disciplinary cooperation, propelling both theoretical and experimental approaches to demystify the enigmas of correlated and entangled states in quantum materials.MC43 - Advances in controlled disorder and defect analysis of materials

Przemysław Jóźwik (1), Joana Rodrigues (2), Sérgio Magalhães (3), Maulik Patel (4), Marco Peres (3), (5), Maria Rosário Correia (2), Rachel Eloirdi (5)
(1) NCBJ, Otwock, Poland, (2) i3N, University of Aveiro, (3) IST, Universidade de Lisboa, (4) University of Liverpool, (5) Joint Research Centre, Karlsruhe, Germany
Keywords: defect engineering, controlled disorder, radiation effects, defect-induced properties, surface modification
Defect engineering and controlling disorder in materials are crucial for manipulating and optimising materials’ properties and for the emergence of fundamentally new properties. The key to this is advanced methods in defect characterisation and analysis employing experimental, computational, and theoretical approaches. The control and characterization of defects/disorder are crucial for enhancing optical, electronic, and magnetic properties as well as understanding phase stability and structural integrity of materials exposed to extreme conditions of temperature, strain, pressure, and radiation. Thus, the fundamental understanding has technological implications in optoelectronics and semiconductor technology, thermoelectricity, clean energy technologies such as renewable and nuclear, energy harvesting and storage, environmental remediation, etc. The mini-colloquium is designed to gather researchers trying to characterise defects and control intrinsic and extrinsic defects while implementing advanced experimental and computational techniques, thereby promoting the cross-fertilization of novel approaches across communities. The mini colloquium will cover a comprehensive range of topics in defect physics and disorder control in systems ranging from single atomic defects to correlated defects in complex oxides; low-dimensional materials including graphene and bi-dimensional materials; organic molecules on metallic or oxide surfaces; magnetic and spin cross-over molecules; self-assembled molecular networks; multicomponent alloys, glasses, and metamaterials. The mini-colloquium will address the controlled variation of disorder through all accessible methods, including self-irradiation in actinide oxides, implantation, milling, etching/lithography, and other forms of micro- and nano-structuring. Systems with coherent and semi-coherent interfaces are also of interest for this mini-colloquium. An important part will be devoted to theoretical and numerical developments to overcome recent challenges in materials characterisation and analysis. Those approaches range from atomic level and first principles methods to mesoscopic physics through tight-binding models as well as Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations. In parallel, machine-learning algorithms for material screening would open future methodological perspectives in materials science. In addition to the oral presentations, a poster session will be organised to allow for extended discussions around the topics mentioned above.MC44 - Exploring the frontier of thermoelectric materials, devices, and applications in condensed matter physics

Ana Lúcia Pires (1), André Pereira (1), Carlos José Tavares (2), Luís Rebouta (2), Yohann Thimont (3), Lionel Presmanes (3)
(1) IFIMUP, University of Porto, (2) University of Minho, (3) University of Toulouse
Keywords: Thermoelectric, Thermal Energy, Sustainability
This Mini-colloquium, set within the CMD31 framework, delves into the dynamic and rapidly evolving field of thermoelectric materials, devices, and their applications in condensed matter physics. Our aim is to present this topic in a manner that is inclusive and accessible to all condensed matter physicists, regardless of their specific sub-discipline, while avoiding overly technical language. The colloquium opens with an introduction to the fundamental principles of thermoelectricity. This includes a discussion on the Seebeck effect, the Peltier effect, and the importance of the figure of merit (ZT) in evaluating thermoelectric efficiency. The introduction serves as a primer to set the stage for more advanced topics, ensuring that attendees from various backgrounds can engage meaningfully with the content. The desing. Tailoring and optimizing of electrical and thermal properties, as well as the optical and magnetic properties, envisages the study of thermoelectric either in bulk or layered form. As an example, metal oxides have prospect for transparent thermoelectric for displays and photovoltaic thermal energy harvesting application, and radioisotope thermoelectric generators have been used on space missions as compact spacecraft power systems. We then transition to the core of the colloquium, which is threefold: materials, devices, and applications. In the materials segment, we will explore the latest advancements in thermoelectric materials, including novel compounds, nanostructured materials, and low-dimensional systems. The focus will be on how these materials contribute to enhancing ZT and what this means for the future of thermoelectric technology. In the devices section, the colloquium will cover the design, fabrication, and optimization of thermoelectric devices. This will encompass both theoretical and practical aspects, including discussions on device architecture, material-device interfaces, and the challenges of scaling from laboratory to industrial applications. The final segment on applications will showcase the diverse and impactful uses of thermoelectric technology. We will highlight how thermoelectric’s are being integrated into renewable energy systems, waste heat recovery, cooling technologies, and even space applications. This section aims to provide a comprehensive view of how thermoelectric devices are revolutionizing energy efficiency and sustainability. Throughout the colloquium, we will emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of thermoelectric research, bridging physics, materials science, chemistry, and engineering. This approach not only reflects the collaborative spirit of CMD31 but also underscores the necessity of cross-disciplinary efforts in tackling the challenges and opportunities in the field of thermoelectric condensed matter physics.MC45 - Superconductivity in two-dimensional and layered materials

Dario Daghero, Erik Piatti, Renato Gonnelli
Politecnico di Torino
Keywords: Superconductivity, Two-dimensional superconductors, Layered and van der Waals materials
Two-dimensional (2D) and layered materials have attracted significant attention from the scientific community over the past two decades. These materials (that include, among others, transition metal chalcogenides, iron pnictides, MXenes) exhibit unique properties which make them potential candidates for various technological applications. One of the most intriguing phenomena observed in these materials is superconductivity, which can be a native property of the compound even in the bulk form, but can be enhanced or acquire peculiar characters in few-layer or monolayer samples; or can be induced by chemical substitution, gating, intercalation, pressure, twists, etc. The unprecedented variety of parameters that can be used to tune the superconducting properties and the richness of the phase diagrams make these materials extremely interesting to investigate the fundamental mechanisms responsible for the emergence of these peculiar superconducting states. Many aspects are still heavily investigated, e.g.: the interplay between superconducting and charge- or spin-ordered phases; the nature of the coupling; the order parameter symmetry; the origin of exotic phases such as the Ising superconductivity and the quantum metallic state; the role of orbital selectivity in the superconducting pairing. The lack of a comprehensive understanding of these fascinating phenomena and the fact that new compounds are continuously being discovered call for novel experimental and theoretical investigations. This mini-colloquium is aimed at gathering experts in the experimental, theoretical and computational aspects of superconducting 2D and layered materials, stimulating fruitful discussions, communicating new experimental evidences or theoretical interpretations, and present this fascinating realm of condensed matter physics to scientists working in other fields.MC46 - Charge and spin transport in low-symmetry, topological and magnetic materials

Sofia Ferreira Teixeira (1), André Pereira (2), Luis Hueso (1), Ivan Vera-Marun (3), Tatiana Rappoport (4), Sroj Dash Chalmers (5), Carmine Ortix (6)
(1) CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastian, (2) IFIMUP, University of Porto (3) University of Manchester, (4) University of Minho, (5) University of Technology, Sweden, (6) University of Salerno
Recent years have witnessed the emergence of topological and low symmetry materials as a platform for investigating a variety of intriguing physical phenomena. These range from unconventional spin, charge, and orbital effects to exotic magnetic structures with low dimensionality, being all these the basis of several applications like spin-logic or rectifying devices. Within these materials, topological insulators have been extensively studied due to their exotic band structures, but, despite considerable progress, challenges persist in their fabrication and integration into heterostructures for widespread use. Van der Waals (VdW) materials, on the other hand, with their sharp interfaces, ideal for forming heterostructures, and with anisotropic properties in the few-layer limit, offer opportunities to explore symmetry breaking effects and novel transport phenomena. Low-symmetry has also enabled the formation of magnetic structures, facilitating the design of compact and energy-efficient spintronics devices. As the ultimate expression of broken symmetry, chiral systems exhibit unique effects like nonlinear Hall effects and chiral induced spin selectivity, highlighting the importance of broken symmetry in exploring new functionalities. This mini colloquium aims to spotlight recent advancements in understanding charge, spin, and orbital effects in low-dimensional, topological, and magnetic materials, encompassing topics such as fabrication techniques, transport properties measurements, and theoretical investigations. Furthermore, the symposium will delve into device implementations for various applications, bridging the gap between fundamental research and practical technologies.MC47 - Non-equilibrium soft condensed matter

Cristóvão Dias (1), Rodrigo Coelho (1), Daniel de las Heras (2)
(1) University of Lisbon, (2) University of Bayreuth
Soft matter refers to a class of materials characterized by mesoscopic structures and behaviors influenced by thermal fluctuations, encompassing liquid crystals, colloidal suspensions, polymers, foams, gels, granular matter, and many biomaterials. They easily get out of thermodynamic equilibrium by applying external fields, such as electric fields, mechanical stress and shear flows. Non-equilibrium soft matter systems, unlike their equilibrium counterparts, have flows of energy and mass, keeping them away from thermodynamic equilibrium. This dynamic nature gives rise to phenomena such as self-organization, pattern formation, and emergent phenomena, which challenge our conventional understanding of material properties. One example is active systems which are systems intrinsically out of equilibrium. They are composed of numerous active agents that consume energy to generate motion or exert mechanical forces, leading to complex collective behavior. Many examples of non-equilibrium soft matter are biological in origin and span all the scales of the living, from bacteria and self-organizing bio-polymers such as microtubules and actin to schools of fish and flocks of birds. With this mini-colloquium, we expect to bring together many experts from different fields who will share their latest developments in the different aspects of non-equilibrium soft condensed matter.MC48 - Attosecond physics in condensed matter

Bruno Amorim (1), Álvaro Jiménez-Galán (2), Pablo San-José (2)
(1) University of Minho, (2) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Today, we stand at the junction of revolutionary developments in materials science and lightwave engineering. It is now feasible to sculpt light fields, from mid-IR to UV, at the level of individual oscillations, including the phase of the carrier oscillations under the envelope and the relative phases of multi-colour drivers. This ability provides unique opportunities for imaging and steering the coherent electronic response at timescales of 0.1fs~10fs. Underpinned by a real-space and time-domain theoretical framework, this technology has given way over the last 30 years to attosecond resolution and control of electron dynamics in atoms and molecules, i.e., attosecond physics. Researchers in the field are now adapting their tools to condensed matter systems, opening a wide landscape of possibilities. One of them is ultrafast control and manipulation of material properties, as well as the creation and monitoring of exotic transient properties that are not present at thermodynamic equilibrium. Some recent examples include light-induced superconductivity, or light manipulation of the valley pseudospin. Attosecond physics provides a novel dynamical perspective of electronic processes in solids, and has already uncovered many underlying physical phenomena, notably, correlation-driven femtosecond delays in electron-hole recollisions and the role of virtual charge carriers. This field is still in its infancy, with many fundamental open questions and challenges, such as the microscopic origin of ultrashort dephasing times in strong fields, the effect of many-body interactions, or the physical mechanism for the generation of high harmonics from metals, to name a few. This colloquium aims to provide a platform for both the attosecond and condensed-matter communities to present their results and their view on the challenges ahead, and to discuss the exciting opportunities that lie at the interface between these vibrant fields.Language
The official language of CMD31 is English.